Become a Guest Contributor

Manly Training is a community of leaders. This is why I want to offer you a platform to get your message heard. I have included a section for GUESTS to appear regularly on Manly Training. If you would like to become a guest on Manly Training, there is a wide range of topics that you can write or speak about. Fatherhood, fatherless homes, Manhood, Being a Husband, Marriage, and many more! If there are topics that you feel very comfortable with, then that will likely be just fine. If you are having trouble coming up with topics I can definitely give you a number of topic suggestions. Your post should be between 1000 – 1800 words. If it is longer than that, it will be fine but we will have to edit it into separate posts.

Become a Guest

We welcome anyone who wants to be a guest on Manly Training, whether young or old, male or female, your contributions to manly Training are welcome. We need you and we need your unique gifts. You may contribute once, or do it regularly, that’s up to you. You may submit articles, poems, songs, videos, photographs  or podcasts. But remember that this is a Christ Centered Ministry so keep your submissions in line with the bible and keep them tasteful. We reserve the right to publish only material that conforms to our guidelines and make edits if needed. You keep the copyright and all rights to your material, and you give us permission to publish it on Manly Training and it’s affiliated website (

If you are interested in contributing to the Manly Training community, contact me using the form on this page and make sure to answer these questions.

  1. Why do you want to contribute to the Manly Training Ministry?
  2. What links or URLs do you want us to include in your page?
  3. Do you plan to submit future articles, podcasts or material?


Stay Connected by Email. Click HERE


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