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How to be a father according to God. This makes life as a dad easier. Learn what God has to say about being a father.

In the Shadow of Your Wings...

Worship God, man!

Children don’t make a rich man poor, they make a poor man rich. The rich man can’t take his money to heaven, but I’m taking my kids to heaven. I’m planning on taking my grand-kids too. We’re going to heaven This is our wealth.

Don’t run away daddy!

Sometimes you want to run away to a land far, far away! But unless you are Peter Pan, flying to Never-land is hardly a good idea! You see, your presence is more important than you know...

man in gray dress shirt standing beside green wall

The Playground – The Ghetto – The Child and His Dad

I didn’t notice it right away, but once it sank in, there was no stopping the waves of sadness, frustration, and anger. It might not be a big deal to you, but it still stands out to me. It doesn’t have to do with what I saw, but rather, what I didn’t see!