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Tag: father and son

This makes life as a dad easier. Learn what God has to say about being a father. Parenting sons.

My Father Liked Baseball

My Father Liked Baseball

I don’t know if my Dad liked baseball all that much, but I know he loved me. My fondest memories as a boy were when my dad would take time in the evenings to play baseball with us. And yours?

A Dad's Goal - Victor Devlin

The Mark Of a Father-Cherish Them (podcast)

Are you a dad? It's one thing to make a baby, and a completely different thing to actually be a father. Eduardo starts this new series called "The Mark of a Dad" with a whopper of a message for all men. you don't want to miss this one!

Fear the Lord and Be a Better Father

Fear The Lord and be a Better Father!

In this podcast, you will discover how fearing the Lord will make you a better father. And how huge a responsibility to share the name "father" with God himself.

I Was A Tough Cookie - The Story or a World War II Father and the transformation that followed.

I was a Tough Cookie

I Was A Tough Cookie - The Story or a World War II Father and the transformation that followed in his son Charles Marsh Bull