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The Manly Training Guide to Avoiding Domestic Violence – Laugh

You forgot to laugh. Did you know that an act of Domestic Violence is committed every 15 seconds in America? Scary, isn’t it? In 1/4th of all marriages, violence occurs at least occasionally. 20% of all murders take place within the family! Of those, 13% are committed against a spouse! So, how do we reduce stress and tension in the home?


The first thing you need to do is learn to laugh! Laughter is a gift God has given to us, to release tension,

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and to keep our spirits from being broken in this sin-cursed earth. The simple truth is, as the Book of Proverbs reminds us: “A joyful heart is good medicine. (Prov. 17:22)”

Besides what God tell us about laughter, let’s take a look at some famous people and what they were quoted saying about laughter.

Famous Quotes

“I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it’s the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It’s probably the most important thing in a person.” ― Audrey Hepburn

“If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.” ― Robert Frost

“Always laugh when you can, it is cheap medicine.” ― Lord Byron

“It is cheerful to God when you rejoice or laugh from the bottom of your heart.” ―Martin Luther King Jr.

“Laughter is wine for the soul – laughter soft, or loud and deep, tinged through with seriousness – the hilarious declaration made by man that life is worth living.” ―Seán O’Casey

“Whatever it is probably won’t go away, so we might as well live and laugh through it. When we double over laughing, we’re bending so we won’t break. If you think your particular troubles are too heavy and too traumatic to laugh about, remember that laughing is like changing a baby’s diaper. It doesn’t solve any problems permanently, but it makes things more acceptable for awhile.” ― Barbara Johnson

Stay Healthy – laugh

Laughter is one of God’s ways of keeping us healthy, emotionally and physically. Medical science has proven that when you laugh, chemicals and enzymes are released in the brain which are extremely important to the health of our vital organs.

Listen to part of an article from a secular magazine called Executive Digest:

“Scientists have been studying the effects of laughter on human beings and have found, among other things, that laughter has a profound and instantaneous effect on virtually every important organ of the human body. Laughter reduces unhealthy tensions, and relaxes the tissues, as well as exercising the most vital organs. Laughter, even when forced, results in a beneficial effect on us, both mentally and physically. So, the next time you feel nervous and jittery, indulge in a good laugh.”

If Home were NOT fun!

I don’t think I could ever possibly deal with the stresses and pressures of life, if home were not a fun place to be. When we start having fun and laughing, the kids pick up on our spirits and join right in. They don’t even know what they’re doing sometimes, but they love the spirit! And our home is a place of laughter, a place of “playing”, games, chasing, walks, piles of leaves, etc.!

Here are 3 things you ought to give your children:
• Life
• Love
• Laugh

And here are 3 rules you ought to have for your home.. Be:
• Fair
• Firm
• Fun

Learn to laugh…don’t take things so seriously…lighten up!

Do you have any good ideas for the men following Manly Training to infuse our homes with some laughter? If so, please share them here and let’s start a brainstorming session.

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